What the art of weaving teaches us about the art of writing

“Some things cross my path…I don’t think I can force ideas. I usually see something and it causes my brain to spin.” -Claudine McCormack Jalajas   Claudine McCormack Jalajas is an expert writer in the field of technical writing and learning, and the author of the contemporary weaving book Beaded Bracelets. For eighteen years she

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The Surrendered Writer vs The Controlling Writer

Just like I can’t control what other people do, sometimes I can’t control which direction my writing is headed. I feel so powerless, no—impotent. Though I shouldn’t. Because I have no business trying to control. Just like living beings, my words have their own footprints and fingerprints. If I respect that then my words, once

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Pencil Box for the Soul

Leave fingerprints

What is your footprint? Your fingerprint? Every bit of what you write includes some aspect about you. Writing can be a discovery process for you, or a statement about you. Recognize the beauty in that, that every bit of what you write is inherently valuable for simply those reasons.   Now, understand that some fingerprints

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The oak tree is in the acorn (the story is inside you)

You can write about anything; a former job or a current one; a nemesis or archangel; the truth about being a trust fund baby, or growing up on the streets. The key is to find the heart of your subject–and this takes practice. Repeated practice. One yoga teacher I knew several years ago reminded students

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