In order to write THROUGH the story, I had to relive it. And in my case that meant reliving these specific things:
—the death of my daughter —the abuse I suffered from my father —the self destructions I inflicted on my self
—the longing for a mother drowned by alcoholism

Lidia Yuknavitch on Internal Conflict and Writing

In memoir the truth is a moving target. You can be as honest as you believe yourself to be but you may misremember events or your interpretation may skew the story.

Ronit Plank [on being seen, holding space and writing the in-betweens]

I feel as though my current projects are a sort of a bridge, touching history and bringing the knowledge of past generations to the modern day world.

Kris Bordessa [Nature, Sustainability, Creativity]

Writing those first pages, it’s hard to have faith that anyone will suspend disbelief—that the world can be made real enough for even the writer to believe in it.

Andromeda Romano-Lax

Every “realistic” short story I write is a betrayal. Perversely, the short stories which seem to engage most readers are indeed these more — forgive me — realistic ones.

Andrew Tonkovich

The poet discussion the exhilaration of exploration, the tension of creation, and one’s readiness to engage with content that is within.

Sheila Squillante [poet, creative, award winner]

Writing the poem changes me, and I welcome that. I don’t see that as a betrayal of myself or the work, but more of an evolution.

Kelli Stevens Kane [poet, playwright, arts fellow]

I see the stories as something I sorted out, something I worked through. A problem I solved.

Deesha Philyaw [the National Book Award Finalist on movement, relinquishing fear, and the rigorous puzzles of storytelling]